Monday 9 March 2015

(Perfect Albums) The Evaporators - Ripple Rock

This album is a happy-go-lucky romp through Nardwuar the Human Serviettes skittish mind. The Evaporators rifle through 18 tracks in true punk fashion, with the average track time being just over one minute. 

The simplicity of Ripple Rock is what makes it so special, each song fits verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure, there's nothing to look into lyrically, and all song concepts are extremely day-to-day. 

However, they inhabit simplicity with such energy, ability and astonishing character. Truly, no other album I have heard is filled with such wall to wall fun.

Ripple Rock is proof that good music isn't always about tapping into the deepest thoughts and feelings, it can be as simple as saying 'I Feel Like a Fat Frustrated Fuck' or 'I Quit School' to a catchy and memorable tune.

Favourite Song: 'I Feel Like a Fat Frustrated Fuck'

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