Monday 23 February 2015

What a Bunch of Snow!

Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow recently took part in an experiment to test the effects of the marijuana strain 'skunk' as part of the channel's upcoming 'Drugs Live: Cannabis on Trial' event that airs on Tuesday 3rd March.

Here it is:

I use the term 'experiment' very loosely, as there is nothing at all groundbreaking or worthwhile about this test. Why measure the effects of a highly potent, hybrid strain of marijuana that mixes both physiological and psychological high's, on someone with little to no experience and an overall reluctance?? - The dude will be overwhelmed, especially the amount he is given, chances are he's gonna have a bad time, and that's exactly what they want to show.

In front of a camera crew no less, and then put inside an MRI scanner, a tight, claustrophobic space, where they look into your brain. That's wild enough without the D.R.U.G.S.

If they're so intent on it being Snow to whom they bestow the honour, make it a fair fight, give the guy a joint, a box of cereal and Netflix, and leave the science out of it.

Why this examination is cropping up is beyond me, the research is already out there for anyone who needs to know what different types of weed can/might/wont do, so what is this video bringing to the table? Maybe in the grand scheme of the event in March it will make sense... but it just seems like same old, same old.

Nothing has changed, it just seems to be the recycled message, in case parents forget: DRUGS R BAYD. That's the only demographic for this I would think, the parents. Channel 4 want them to see the dark room, the lab coats, hear the eerie music and think "Boy, if Jon Snow has reported the news in a war-zone and cant cope with these weeds, my child has no chance, thanks Channel 4!"

I'm not saying all parents will fall for this, but they are the targets; no one wants their child's soul robbed like poor old Jon Snow's, so they'll want to protect them of course, not from literal soul robbing, although this is apparently a good angle to use, but from the stigmatized effects attached to cannabis. With the parents sold, kids can then be grabbed nice and early and fed the idea that nothing but bad things will come of taking drugs.

This is simply a cautionary tale that will be grown out of, like I grew out of thinking that without good behaviour, father Christmas wouldn't sort me out with a new gaming console every year. I even used to consider that a dude with a big white beard stood in the sky and held a lightning bolt to smite me if I misbehaved, and we all know what hokum that is, right!?

Its no secret that weed has side effects, and in some cases they are bad, but too much of any substance will harm you, so its up to the individual to find out how far they want to push their bodies if they choose to partake, and accept the repercussions. Hand me a food I've never tried before because I'd heard stories about it being fermented in a container with piss, and if I were to try it, i'd probably take a nibble, not a chunk. Then maybe I'll think "hmm this is ok, maybe next time I'll eat a whole bowl". Or most likely, I'd say "this tastes like piss, no thanks". 

This is in no way a "drugs are cool, go take them" message, I don't believe drugs should be taken, nor do I believe that they shouldn't, but people should at least be given the space to make their own mind up about whether they agree with drugs or not, without this fear-mongering entering the equation. It would be heavily short-sighted for anyone to take this evidence alone, and it is our responsibility to ignore this kind of thing and do our own research for the sake of our intelligence.

So I guess just be safe out there and pray for Jon Snow, if anyone finds the skunk that took his soul, please get in contact with him. #PrayForSnow


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